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St. Louis Realtor Attorney

At TdD Attorneys at Law LLC, our St. Louis realtor attorneys know firsthand the experiences of real estate agents because most of us are realtors, too. We represent agents and brokers in all aspects of their businesses. Whether it is a problem with a contract gone horribly wrong, a buyer who does not abide by the buyer’s agency agreement, a crazy broker or a crazy agent, we’ve been through it all and are here to help.

What is Procuring Cause?

We have received calls concerning whether an agent was the procuring cause of a sale. That is a fact-specific determination that has to be made on a case-by-case basis. There is no one factor that provides a yes or no answer, but what must be shown is a set of continuous facts that makes a particular Realtor responsible for an individual making the buying decision on the agreed terms.

Call Our St. Louis Realtor Lawyers Today

The experienced St. Louis real estate attorneys at TdD Attorneys at Law are ready to assist. Call us today at (314) 276-1318 or contact us online.