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Legal Resolutions for Your Real Estate Needs

Why you need title insurance

Posted on June 8, 2017
When you plan to purchase real estate in Missouri, you want to know that no legal problems will arise that call your ownership into question. If there is a title defect, this is exactly what you may be facing. We at TdD Attorneys at Law LLC are familiar with the various issues that you...
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Real estate investment mistakes and how to avoid them

Posted on May 31, 2017
The real estate market in St. Louis offers plenty of prospects for investment, but the wrong move could lead to disaster. In fact, would-be buyers should put a good deal of thought into strategy before beginning. According to the Huffington Post, determining short- and long-term goals should be the first step to investing in...
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Explaining estate tax avoidance

Posted on May 26, 2017
A concept that you likely will hear over and over when involved in estate planning in St. Louis is the importance of avoiding probate. There is a good reason for this; the probate process can exact a heavy financial toll on your estate. Yet many who come to see us here at TDD Attorneys...
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