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Legal Resolutions for Your Real Estate Needs

What is a quiet title action?

Posted on August 30, 2017
If you are a Missouri real estate investor, you occasionally may need to file a quiet title action with regard to a piece of property you have purchased. A quiet title action is a lawsuit that you file for the purpose of establishing who owns a particular piece of real estate, including the land...
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When life-saving measures can mean a lawsuit

Posted on August 19, 2017
Missouri law gives people the right to refuse life-sustaining medical treatment under certain circumstances. However, at times, medical providers fail to abide by the written documents, and disregard the patient’s will. The New York Times’ recent article depicts a troubling event that occurred where a patient’s end-of-life wishes, properly documented and expressed by her...
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Considerations when selecting a guardian for a child

Posted on August 17, 2017
As a parent in Missouri, the care and well-being of your child or children is of primary concern to you and becomes a vital component of the decisions you will make when creating your estate plan. To that end, the choice of who you might name as a guardian for your children in the...
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