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The importance of legal counsel for commercial sellers

Posted on April 24, 2017

Whether you are buying, selling or simply looking to invest, the real estate market requires careful, experienced handling. At TdD Attorneys at Law LLC, we have extensive knowledge about realty and years of experience helping our St. Louis clients navigate the complications of purchasing or selling property in both residential and commercial markets.

A real estate agent is an important aspect of most realty transactions. According to the National Law Review, however, many commercial sellers neglect to find their own counsel, instead of relying on the buyer’s professional team. This can be harmful to you as the seller given that such representatives, including brokers as well as attorneys, are probably looking out for the buyer’s best interests alone.

When you are in the midst of selling commercial real estate, it is essential that the paperwork includes all the right forms and all the right information. The Purchase and Sale Agreements and other relevant documents, such as affidavits, must not only be filled out correctly but also contain accurate information about the property for sale. Otherwise, you run the risk of being held liable for errors and inconsistencies in statements regarding the property. Furthermore, you want the terms of any agreements to be beneficial to you—not just the buyer.

Throughout the process of marketing a commercial or residential property, many sellers find it helpful to seek professional assistance throughout the negotiation and closing process to protect their interests, ensure that all paperwork is completed correctly and resolve disputes. You can find more information about the intricacies of real estate on our webpage.