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Children at odds over use of famous father’s songs

Posted on October 7, 2017

One of the reasons why St. Louis residents are encouraged to see to all matters related to their estates while they still are able to do so is to avoid any potential strife and disputes that may arise amongst their beneficiaries once they are gone. Yet as time passes, changes in the management of one’s estate may force parties into positions that they never wanted, yet feel compelled to fulfill. Beneficiaries who may have initially been relieved to not be in a position of authority regarding the management of estate assets may end up having to assume such roles, which could lead to conflict with others who also have an interest in an estate.

Such appears to be the case at the center of an ongoing dispute between the children of former singer Frank Zappa. A family trust was established to help manage the late icon’s fortune. His son and daughter were asked by their mother to serve as co-trustees. They have since become involved in a feud with their older brother, who himself is a musician. He has claimed that the two have attempted to block him from being able to perform his father’s music while on tour, or even performing under his own name. The brother serving as trustee disputes such claims, stating that he had never once tried to keep his brother from making a living and that he is simply trying to fulfill the obligations of a role that was thrust upon him.

For those who have been placed in the unenviable position of being asked to manage estate matters involving their loved ones, their duty to their office must often trump their feelings for their family members. If they need assistance in fulfilling that duty, they may want to consider working with an experienced attorney.

Source: Billboard “Ahmet Zappa Encourages Estranged Brother Dweezil to Personally Reach Out Over Business Dispute: ‘I Am Here’” Kaufman, Gil, Oct. 06, 2017