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Legal Resolutions for Your Real Estate Needs

Basics of mechanic’s liens in construction projects

Posted on December 20, 2018
As people are aware, there are many construction projects occurring in Missouri at any given time. Some are major construction projects of business offices, apartment buildings or condominiums, stadiums and other large projects. However, there are also smaller projects such as building a home or other real estate projects. These can be expensive projects...
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When a revocable trust may be better than a will

Posted on December 6, 2018
In many situations it is better for people in Missouri to have a plan for big events. It is good to know when certain things are going to happen at the event, what type of seating will be needed, what type of food may be served and many other aspects of events. This is...
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Reasons why you should update an old will

Posted on December 5, 2018
If you have a will, you are off to a good start when it comes to estate planning. In fact, you are in the minority of American adults. A stunning 60 percent of adults do not have wills. Creating a will is an essential task to ensure your assets go to the ones you...
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